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A Level Success 2022

We are delighted to celebrate the performance of our largest ever cohort of pupils in their summer examinations. With nearly half of all grades at A* or A and three quarters at A*-B, these results are a resounding vindication of the drive, passion and resilience of our pupils, their teachers and parents, in the face of what have been three challenging years punctuated by the COVID Pandemic.

In total, 43 pupils gained at least three A/A* grades, whilst countless others received a superb set of grades that have secured the next steps in their education. The list of destinations is broad, and includes an exciting range of Oxford, Cambridge, Medicine, Russell Group and International courses.

The School prides itself on its holistic ethos, where a strong focus on personal, social and intellectual outcomes creates the conditions for all pupils to thrive, and these examination results epitomise this spirit.

John Barron, Assistant Head (Sixth Form) said

“It is so gratifying to see how well this year’s Upper Sixth pupils have done in their A Level examinations, after all of the hard work that they put into their studies. They have achieved an outstanding set of A Level results with a record number of top grades, and it is rewarding to see that the majority of pupils have achieved a place at the university of their choice.

We wish all the pupils the best of luck as they leave Mill Hill to embark on an exciting range of Higher Education courses at an impressive range of institutions or pursue other exciting opportunities. We hope our pupils leave us with fond memories, good friendships and a breadth of experience that will have prepared them well for the next stage in their academic journey.“

Jane Sanchez, Head said

“The determination and resilience shown by our Upper Sixth pupils, and their teachers, to overcome the unprecedented challenges of the past three years has been exceptional.

I am incredibly proud of their collective efforts, which have provided the pupils with a platform to go on to achieve the grade, skills and attributes needed to follow their chosen path, whether they are moving on to a Higher Education course, taking a gap year or are going directly into the workplace.

This is a remarkable cohort of pupils who have done themselves proud; I wish them every success in the future.”

We wish every one of our pupils well for what we are certain will be a bright and successful future.