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Head’s Blog

Gender equality has been the subject of much debate recently; in the World Economic Forum in Davos it is at the heart of the agenda this year and, for the first time, it is being chaired by an all-female panel: seven women, each at the top of their profession, in engineering, science, politics and business. […]

Curiosity is a fine thing. In fact, one could argue that curiosity will take our pupils further than mere qualifications. It is because a curious mind will help us keep moving forward, open new doors; it is what drives a seemingly ordinary person to become great. This week, I have seen just how curious many […]

In the UK January has come to mean a month of abstinence, often linked to our New Year’s Resolutions.   It can be quite grim to think of the long days ahead in a month that is renowned for its lack of light and poor weather without those comforts that we have grown to love, and […]

I love starting the New Year: it is always full of promise, potential and possibility. And that’s why making New Year Resolutions is so important. In our first assembly of the year, I gave all pupils and staff three post-it notes on which to write their three most important resolutions. I was expecting to read the […]