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Grimsdell - Head's welcome

Head’s Blog

As we are right in the middle of our London theme, it is true to say that we have been particularly excited at Grimsdell by the prospect of the Royal Wedding. Hot on the heels of our fabulous trips to central London to see the sights, we have now been gradually been preparing for our […]

Our London Topic reached new heights this week as we commenced a series of year group visits to the capital to bring all of the children’s learning to life. I was fortunate to be able to join Year One during their visit to South Bank where they enjoyed a stroll along the Bank, boat trip […]

The theme for this week at Grimsdell has been Wellbeing and all that this entails; healthy bodies, healthy minds, happy hearts and a sense of calm and peace. One area that we have been exploring at Grimsdell is Mindfulness. There is an increasing body of research now that documents the impact mindfulness can have on […]

Following the exciting launch of our new topic, this week we introduced the children to a whole new way of visualising and understanding their learning skills. Our ‘Learning Friends’ are soft, cuddly and appealing toys, each of whom represents a vital skill in learning or a ‘learning super power’. In our assembly at the start […]