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Grimsdell - Head's welcome

Head’s Blog

Book Week was an enormous success this week and the children have been utterly enthused by all the activities and experiences. The book clues each morning have got them thinking and the story teller today has been so inspiring and engaging. Book week was launched with a lively and beautifully presented assembly by 2YM. They […]

Picking up on the theme of mental health and well being from before half term our assembly this week focused on developing strong feelings of self-worth. I brought in a pair of shoes from each of my family members and tried them on. My son’s shoes just about fitted but curled and crunched up my […]

This week is Children’s Mental Health Week and we have been working as a school community to bring the importance of well-being and mental health to the fore. In PSHE the children have been engaged in a range of activities to help them feel comfortable in their own skin and to recognise their own qualities […]

I have been struck by the opportunities around the school for self-expression in creative and performing arts over the course of this week. The nursery children have begun a story scribing strand within their learning. It works like this; following a stimulus they create and tell their own story, which the teacher writes down verbatim […]