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Grimsdell - Head's welcome

Head’s Blog

This week we had a Bollywood Dance workshop within the school, working with all our different year groups with the purpose of integrating PE and Dance into our Theme on India. I had the pleasure of visiting two of these sessions and wish that I had been able to stay for the entire time, as […]

Every week at Grimsdell we have an assembly called ‘Time to Shine’ where teachers award one or two pupils with a certificate and a sticker.  During the assembly each teacher shares with the whole school why that child has earned the certificate and exactly what is was for. This descriptive praise allows children to understand, […]

Children in Need is a long established charity, raising money for children in the UK and abroad who need help and support in  wide variety of ways. As a Pre-Preparatory school with children aged 3-7 we embody the essence of childhood and our participation in Children in Need is a way of helping other children […]

Over the course of this week we have had a huge focus on giving and thinking of others. A variety of charitable projects and initiatives have been taking place within the school, echoing those taking place nationally, and we have tried to pull these together to give emphasis to the importance of empathy. The children […]