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Grimsdell - Head's welcome

Head’s Blog

I had the pleasure of attending the annual Year 2 Swimming Gala this week. This is the first time the children have competed in a school based gala and the atmosphere was alive with excitement and anticipation. The effort on the children’s faces was inspiring and the desire to do their best was palpable. So […]

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) has taken a front seat at Grimsdell this week as we hit the ground running with Engineering Day at the start of the week. Linked to our London theme the children were tasked with working in groups to create different iconic London landmarks. They used basic tools of newspaper, […]

We experienced a fantastic example of the creative process in an assembly given by one of our Year 2 classes this week. As part of our London theme, Year 2 have been learning about royalty and one of their central texts has been ‘The Princess and the Pea’. Each of our themes uses high quality […]

As we are right in the middle of our London theme, it is true to say that we have been particularly excited at Grimsdell by the prospect of the Royal Wedding. Hot on the heels of our fabulous trips to central London to see the sights, we have now been gradually been preparing for our […]