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Grimsdell - Head's welcome

Head’s Blog

Our Outdoor Classroom Day was a huge success with the whole school taking as much learning outside as much as possible. We were blessed with beautiful weather which certainly helped, but there was also a wonderful sense of wellbeing and enjoyment about learning usual ‘room based’ lessons outside. Clipboards, resources and equipment were all brought […]

Following the success of Wellbeing Week we have tried at Grimsdell to consider ways in which we can retain some of the really popular moments within the fabric of Grimsdell life. One such activity was the morning ‘parent and child’ mindfulness club. This was a fantastic opportunity for parents and children to find a moment […]

At Grimsdell over the course of the year we have been embedding our ‘Learning Friends’ project. Each cuddly animal represents a learning skill that you need to employ to achieve success. The children have a set in every single classroom and have become well-versed in what each character represents, using this language readily in their […]

This week was Wellbeing Week and what a huge success it has been! We have had some wonderful events going on for pupils, staff and parents and there has been a strong sense of community and happiness throughout the week. Among my highlights were; the awesome popularity of parent and child mindfulness which I was […]