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Assessment Procedures

Criteria for Year 7 (11+)

Personal, Social and Academic Expectations

We are looking for enthusiastic, well-motivated children who are keen to learn from the rich academic and non-academic curriculum that we offer at Belmont. Pupils are expected to transfer to Mill Hill School at 13+.

At the point of entry we expect the majority of pupils to be exceeding the expected national average at Key Stage 2. Children are also expected to take an interest in the range of opportunities
they are given and to integrate well into our diverse community. We have high standards of politeness and manners and children are expected to show consideration towards others.

To achieve their full potential, we expect children to be able to work on tasks set within class and for prep in a positive frame of mind and to work independently when required to do so.

Siblings and Children of Old Belmontians and Old Millhillians

All children are expected to meet our academic, personal and social criteria. However, priority will be given over children of equal ability, to children with strong links to the Mill Hill Foundation.

A reference is sought from the child’s current school. A supportive reference is a very important part of the selection process.

The 11+ Entrance Test Procedure is in two parts:

Part 1 – in Autumn term of Year 6:
Digital Adaptive Tests (80 minutes) which test the following:

  • Literacy
  • Numeracy – A calculator is not permitted for the test
  • Verbal Reasoning
  • Non-Verbal Reasoning
  • Creative Writing – We also conduct a short 15 minute writing exercise to allow children to demonstrate their original thinking and creative ideas

Successful candidates are notified and invited back to Stage 2.

Part 2 – In Spring term of Year 6:

  • Interview – Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed in small groups by senior teachers and have an interview session of 40 minutes duration. We will explore interests in and outside school, general knowledge and current affairs. We will also be looking at how children communicate and conduct themselves.
  • Teamwork – There will also be a 15 minute teamwork and problem solving exercise, which will demonstrate how children can work together to solve problems and puzzles.

Entrance to Belmont in other Year Groups

Our main point of entry is 11+
(approximately 60-70 pupils). However, from time to time places may become available at other entry points. In these instances applicants will be tested and interviewed according to their age.

The entrance procedure at 7+, 8+, 9+, 10+ and 12+ and consists of a short informal interview and an English/Maths/NVR test. The interview involves finding out about their areas of academic interest as well as their hobbies and pastimes.

Specific Learning Difficulties

If 11+ candidates have an educational psychologist report that states their need for extra time due to a specific learning difficulty, they are on their current school’s special needs register and they are in receipt of extra time in their current setting, children will be given additional time in their computer based and creative writing entrance exam. Requests for extra time must be made at the time of registration. For other year groups we will also provide additional time for candidates with a supporting educational psychologist’s report. *Please note that no specimen or past papers are issued.

We aim to make our assessments appropriate for boys and girls from all educational backgrounds. Provided that their reading is well-founded, there should never be a need for coaching. For our 11+ computer test we will provide a familiarisation website for parents and children.