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Head’s Blog

Dear Parents I hope you have had a wonderful week and have had an opportunity to enjoy some of the beautiful weather. I know that many of you were lucky enough to make the most of the sunshine on Tuesday for Sports’ Day; it certainly was a day to remember. There were some brilliant individual […]

I just want to pay tribute to all of the volunteers who have helped to support the school in so many different ways this academic year. Last week we had several parents coming in to teach a variety of different languages. On Tuesday we had the induction afternoon for all of our new Year 7 […]

Common Entrance Success I have just signed all of the Year 8 pupils’ Common Entrance results and they should receive them in the post tomorrow.  I have been overwhelmed with the achievements of all of the children. There are so many brilliant individual performances not only in terms of numbers of As and A*s but, […]

Farewell to Common Entrance I hope all of our families had a lovely half term: for our Year 8 pupils, a great deal of it would have been spent revising. Today we had Belmont’s final ever Common Entrance Exams. The Year 8s have worked exceptionally hard all week showing focus, determination and resilience to get […]