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Head’s Blog

Dear Parents Patience and hard work Mr Fleet led this week’s assembly and Chapels on the themes of patience and perseverance. He told the children that good things come to those who wait but even better things come to those who work hard. There are numerous examples of successful individuals who had to wait and […]

Dear Parents, Stepping Stones The week’s theme has been about turning obstacles into stepping stones. Miss Harrison gave a lovely assembly about how the pupils can see the tests and exams they are currently in the midst of as stepping stones to the next stage of their learning. If they have embraced the challenge of […]

Dear Parents, I hope you all managed to enjoy the beautiful weather over the Bank Holiday weekend. As well as glorious weather there have been some other highlights over the last 4 days. Yesterday I went down to see one of our new lunchtime activities, Drone Club. Supported by Mr Palmer, the club was set […]

Digital Detox I am going to try to practise what I preach tomorrow and spend a school working day avoiding email as part of our Digital Detox Day. The children are in for a real treat with some creative lessons planned for Friday.  Mr Symes and Miss Hockley have also given the children lots of […]