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Head’s Blog

Year 5 at the Tate Modern The Year 5 children had a fantastic time at the Tate Modern this week. Thank you to Mr McNulty for organising the trips and to the Year 5 team for supporting a successful trip. In the wider educational world, Art and other creative subjects are being squeezed out of […]

Summer has arrived! Perhaps you could argue that it is two weeks too late but it is wonderful to welcome the warmth and glow of the sunshine for the start of the Summer Term. The pupils and teachers seem refreshed after a good Easter break and we are all ready to make the most of […]

I hope everyone has had a wonderful week. The French Exchange The Year 7 and 8 pupils returned from their week in Rouen. The 41 children immersed themselves in French life and language, staying with the families of the children who they had also hosted in London last month. This is such a tremendous opportunity […]

Assembly – Actual Mountains to Climb… Continuing with the wintery theme, the children had a fantastic assembly on Monday when they got to see and listen to Mollie Hughes. At the age of just 26 Mollie has made her name as the youngest woman in the world and the first English woman to successfully summit […]