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Head’s Blog

There is no ’I’ in Team. The theme for the week has been working as part of a team. Mr Fleet led Monday’s assembly on teamwork and he asked the children about the qualities that make a good team. He talked about how hard work, trust, communication and humility are all traits of great teams […]

Teamwork has undoubtedly been a recurring theme of the last few days. Out of adversity a genuine ‘Belmont spirit’ has emerged to dig deep and to keep going despite setbacks. If qualities of resilience and perseverance are what we are trying to instil in the children we need to make sure that as a team […]

I found time to watch Blade Runner 2049 at the IMAX cinema yesterday. Despite the occasional instance of head nodding due to tiredness, it was a stunning sequel to the 1982 Ridley Scott classic. The film portrays a vision of the future where Artificial Intelligence and robots (Replicants) are a dominant part of society. We […]

Part two of Grandparents’ Day took place on Wednesday. For children who are lucky enough to have any grandparents around, there is a unique bond between grandchild and grandparent.  Grandparents play such an important role in the children’s lives. The pupils had a fantastic time on both Grandparents’ Days, proudly showing their grandmas and grandads […]