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Head’s Blog

I hope you’ve had an enjoyable shorter week and that your bank holiday weekend was a welcome break. We have had a huge amount of artistic and creative activities taking place over the last week or so. Tate Modern At the end of last week Year 7 visited the Tate Modern and had their very […]

Wellbeing Week 2019 I hope that you have had an enjoyable week and that our families have enjoyed the many events organised as part of Wellbeing Week. From my own observations and initial pupil feedback it seems to have been a tremendous success. Whether it was 120 Year 8 pupils enjoying a session of Tai […]

Dear Parents As the temperature has continued to rise in the House of Commons this week we have also been enjoying some warmer temperatures over the last few days. The spring sun has shone and our grounds are starting to look beautiful. It was a pleasure finding 10 minutes to walk around the school this […]

A Ball for a Wall I hope you have had an enjoyable week. Good progress is being made on the Sports Hall and the children have been fascinated by the ongoing work that they are able to see through the vision panels. We have made great progress with the demolition of the old gym and […]