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Head’s Blog

Reading Week I hope you’ve all had a great week. The children have been treated to a celebration of books this week with a spectacular series of events organised by the English Department. The children have listened to authors, attended a book fair, participated in poetry recitals, visited The Globe and the Roald Dahl museum. […]

School of Rock There was plenty of warmth last night in the Patrick Troughton Theatre at Mill Hill, both the physical and emotional atmosphere. Year 8’s performance of School of Rock was just astonishing. The level of the performance of 12 and 13 year old children was reminiscent of a West End show at times. […]

It has been a busy and exciting week with a focus on the theme of teamwork and collective responsibility. Monday’s assembly was on the topic of ‘Many hands make light work’. I gave some examples of the teachers and grounds staff getting in early to keep school open when we had the snow disruption, the […]

Happy New Year to our Chinese families. Miss Harrison launched assembly on Monday with an introduction to the Chinese New Year celebrations and the Year of the Pig before she handed over to Mr Fannon for some wise words on staying safe online. It was Safer Internet Day on Tuesday so there has been a […]