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Year 6 Saxons Volunteering Project

On Tuesday 24th January all the Year 6 Saxons had volunteered to go to Knights Court retirement home to spend the afternoon making the elderly happy in the form of cake and chitchat! ‘I really enjoyed baking cakes for them’ Matthew (6NP), ‘It was nice meeting new people’ Sydney (6RB).

All of us had brilliant fun talking and creating little niceties such as decorated cards and other small but heartfelt things for the residents.

On the way back on the bus pupils were chatting about how nice all the residents were. We all made New Year’s resolutions and asked the residents how their Christmas was.

All the pupils brought board games and taught them the rules and some even enjoyed a game of chess with the residents. Then the cake that we had baked was served and we asked them which their favourite was. Just before we left Darcey (6MT), Nicole (6RB) and Sydney (6RB) pleasantly surprised us all by singing to everyone. All in all it was a very unique experience which we will never forget.

By Sophia (6RA) & Liam (6RA)