Pastoral Care at Mill Hill School
Mill Hill School and its staff are committed to safeguarding the welfare and safety of children. This has long been recognised as a strength within our community, and pupils are supported throughout their school career in an environment that is both caring, supportive and understanding of the challenges of adolescence.
There are eight Day Houses and four Boarding Houses in the School and the Housemasters/mistresses, together with their teams of Tutors, aim to provide an environment that is both caring and supportive.
The welfare of each pupil is supported throughout their school career by a Housemaster or Housemistress and tutor team who get to know them well and liaise closely with their families.

Our Foundation Chaplain offers support to pupils and staff of all faiths and no faith and our weekly Chapel services provide an opportunity to gather as a community to reflect on what it means to live well together.
We host regular lectures by external experts, for our young people and their parents alike, on a variety of topics affecting teenage life. Professional medical and counselling services are also on hand.
In addition to the House system, pupils’ involvement is encouraged through the various School Councils. These Councils promote engagement across all year groups and meet regularly to discuss a wide variety of issues including catering, anti-bullying and mentoring and environmental issues.
This short video of current and former Millhillians offering advice to future pupils gives a flavour of the culture and ethos of the School, and speaks to the deep pastoral care we provide:
Watch Our Advice to You video below