Open Morning

Saturday 17 May 2025

Our Open Mornings provide a great opportunity to hear from the Head, Mr Benson, meet our pupils and explore our grounds and facilities.


Mill Hill Senior Private School
Learning Support

Learning Support

Every child deserves to succeed and we are passionately committed to meeting the needs of each individual in our School. To this end, we foster a culture of high expectation in the classroom so that every pupil, regardless of their starting point, is challenged at an appropriate pace and level.

Most learning difficulties will have already been identified before a pupil joins Mill Hill. However, a literacy screening test is carried out in the first term of the Year 9 to check whether any pupils have an unidentified learning support need. Where appropriate, and in full consultation with parents, further assessments are carried out and the Head of Learning Support makes appropriate recommendations.

We recognise that for those pupils who have additional needs there is a need for reasonable adjustment in the classroom and our teachers are fully committed to adapting their learning appropriately to facilitate this. Every pupil who requires learning support is, with the agreement of their parents, given a learner profile that is shared with their teachers and reviewed regularly to ensure the support continues to be appropriate and effective. Regular contact is maintained with parents.

The type of support offered to a pupil is tailored to their individual need and beyond the classroom, this may include individual or group sessions focusing on literacy, study, revision and organisational skills. Other specific subject areas may be covered as required.

We are proud of our dedicated and highly qualified Learning Support Department, who facilitate small group and individual learning opportunities, support assessment and examinations, provide expertise and specialist knowledge to our academic team and build learner confidence. Particular attention is given to ensuring that examination access arrangements for pupils with a learning support need are correct and comply with the Joint Council for Qualifications. Because of our attention to care and detail, our learning support pupils achieve some of the very best academic results in the School.

For more detailed information regarding Learning Support at Mill Hill School please contact the head of Learning Support, Lisa Silverman on 020 8906 7941 or email

"Pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) benefit from timely identification of their learning need. Teachers adapt the curriculum to meet pupils’ needs and this supports pupils who have SEND to make good progress which is in line with that of their peers."
ISI Inspection 2024
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© Mill Hill Senior Private School 2025
Registered in England: Number 3404450. Registered Charity Number: 1064758. Registered office: Walker House, Millers Close, The Ridgeway, Mill Hill, London, NW7 1AQ