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STEM last term…

Last term the STEM Geeks had been working towards designing a ‘Tippee Tap’ – this was linked in with learning about how developing countries could use materials accessible to them e.g. sticks, string to build a tap.

They all formed teams to:

  • Research
  • Design and build their model
  • Build their model
  • Test and redesign
  • Final presentation of their working model

All the entries were of a high calibre unfortunately there could only be one winner…

The winning team were – Sophie, Lana and Irene. The winners received a £15 amazon gift voucher for each team member. The runners up were also rewarded for their hard work. They were all presented with their awards and certificates in assembly.

Good work everyone.

Mrs Caldwell

‘Stem Robotics – cleaning up our waterways!

Last term the students took on the global challenge of helping our oceans – designing a prototype to collect, store and dispose of rubbish entering our waterways and reaching oceans. Students took into account the most common types of litter appearing and pinpointed critical areas where it is found. Presenting their designs, complete with motion and light sensors, and seeing them come to fruition was a fantastic achievement. Does anyone have Bill Gates’ number?

Well done team!

Miss Gimpel’

Lower School Science club

Last term the young budding scientists have been making slime, giant bubbles and lava lamps.

Mrs Fisher & Mrs Daly