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London to Paris Bike Ride

27 riders (4 Mill Hill Foundation Staff and 23 parents) departed Belmont on Friday 6 Sept for 222 miles of cycling over three days. I can honestly report this was such an amazing experience shared with parents and staff. We had moments of pressure…making sure we reached the Newhaven ferry, which included 75 miles in total, getting through London safely and also climbing quite a bit through the South Downs.  Once in France, the ride took us through Avenue Verte, showcasing beautiful scenery with very few hills and plenty of mileage completed.  This trip showed true Belmontian spirit, embracing the challenge of the ride, the moral of the riders was unbelievable, motivating, inspiring and a pleasure to be apart of. When arriving by the Eiffel Tower on Sunday lunchtime after a sunny morning of steady riding, we were already planning next year’s adventure and thinking what charity could truly benefit from another Foundation experience. Thank you to Andy Perrin, Iain McNaught, Rob Warren for your support whilst riding with the two groups but also to Mark Allen and Ian Watson, our two support crew who worked miracles fixing bikes and making sure all riders were comfortable throughout the challenge. Are there any stories? Well, I couldn’t possibly divulge…

Our current fundraising total stands at…£17,282.63 meaning we have raised a total of over £945,000

To donate: justgiving.com/campaign/belmontsportshallcycle