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This week in Nursery…

We have had a great week in Nursery. The children were really lucky to experience some fantastic learning in the moment when a tree was being chopped down in the garden next to our playground. We embraced this change and the children were enthusiastic to find out all about how they were going to chop the tree down and why. We made warning signs and labels to place all around the playground to ensure everyone knew that the other side of the fence may be unsafe.

We enjoyed finding our own way of celebrating Rosh Hashanah, we read a special story and had apple and honey for snack time. Many of the children tried honey for the first time and love it.

On Monday we continued to develop our listening skills by listening to animal sounds and working out who might be hiding behind the door. We then followed this on by playing a listening game in small groups where we had to guess the object. We had some easy items such as keys and a bottle however we had some much trickier items to hear such as a pen and a stapler.

On Tuesday and Wednesday we painted self-portraits. We looked carefully in the mirror to see what colour our eyes, hair and skin is. These fantastic painting will take pride of place on our learning journals.

On Thursday we introduced another learning friend ‘Clara the kitten’, she is awarded to the children when they have been curious and learnt from their mistakes.

Throughout October we will be thinking about Black History month, this week we shared stories from different cultures and some famous inventors. This led us to make some of our own inventions using recycled material today. The children had some wonderful ideas!!