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This week in Year 2…

Swimming lessons started for Year 2 this week! They were very excited! Thank you parents for sending your child to school with their swimming kit. Over the holidays, please make sure that they have all items that they need (Navy swimming costume/shorts, navy swimming hat, towel and goggles/flip-flops if needed) and that those items are all clearly named.

Belmont Games was a triumph this week! The staff at Belmont expressed their delight exclaiming that this session was the best one so far. Well done to all of Year 2 for fantastic effort!

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for the terrific start the children have made on their Take a Closer Look homework since we spoke to you about it at the curriculum meeting. It has been so encouraging to see the children learning how to spell words related to our focus sounds of the week and practicing these at home with your support. They have also been inspired to complete a number of the additional activities that are provided and bring this evidence into school so they can proudly display it on the wall. Whilst we are fond of seeing what talented artists and poets our Grimsdell parents are, it is imperative that this work is solely completed by your child.

The children have been continuing our focus on the book ‘Lord of the Forest’ by Caroline Pitcher and Jackie Morris. They have been investigating the way the author describes the animals in the jungle and then collected powerful verbs, alliteration and similes from the text. Next, they used this knowledge to help them to write a character description of a tiger.