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Girls 1st XI Hockey Team Wins U18 National Hockey Tournament!

History was made yesterday when the Girls 1st XI Hockey Team took home gold at the Tier 4 U18 National Hockey Tournament in Nottingham.

After travelling up on Sunday evening, the team were ready to begin their campaign bright and early on Monday morning. The team finished top of their pool and went into the final with a draw and two wins under their belt, with goalkeeper Sasha (Fifth Form, Priestley) keeping a clean sheet.

The final saw an inspiring display of team hockey provided to the many spectators who had travelled from all across the country to support. With the final score ending 3-1, the celebrations began. Chloe (Upper Sixth, Murray) also came away with the Top Goal Scorer of the Tournament Award, adding to the jubilant celebrations.

This accomplishment reflects the group’s dedication, hard work, and passion for their sport and their school. Not only have the players worked tirelessly, but so have the staff coaching and management teams.

We couldn’t be more proud and we can’t wait to see where this sport takes us in the future.