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KidsMBA 2024

Last Friday our Year 8 pupils participated in Belmont’s KidsMBA Shark Tank event, inspired by Dragons’ Den. Throughout the week, the children developed creative business ideas, applying the knowledge and skills they gained from the KidsMBA programme, which is a key component of our Future Skills curriculum.

The calibre of the ideas and presentations was outstanding, with pupils showcasing a remarkable understanding of entrepreneurship and the fundamentals of launching a business. Every Year 8 pupil has been awarded a KidsMBA Certificate of Achievement, endorsed by ABE, an internationally recognised awarding organisation and business skills specialist.

We extend our congratulations to the winning team, Luminoskin, founded by Martina and Josephine from 8JR. They impressed everyone with their innovative concept of selling cruelty-free beauty products, carefully selected using AI to match the client’s skin type. Belmont’s top three Shark Tank finalists have been nominated for the ‘Future Entrepreneur of the Year’ competition, where they will compete with young entrepreneurs from around the world for seed funding for their business ventures.

The winners will be announced in July, and we send our best wishes to all the teams!

Miss G Chrisostomou
Head of Future Skills