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Old Millhillian Dr Leanne Armitage Visit Mill Hill

We welcomed Old Millhillian (OM) Dr Leanne Armitage back to school to unveil her portrait in the Old Millhillians’ room. @armitage_leanne attended our Sixth Form on a Medical Bursary and has achieved outstanding accomplishments since leaving Mill Hill and graduating as a Doctor. After visiting her boarding house, Ridgeway, Leanne spoke to a group of aspiring medics and then enjoyed lunch with a group of current bursary recipients.

“I was so inspired by the stories and journeys of the other bursary recipients who proudly recognise the great achievement of being a bursary awardee.” – OM Dr Leanne Armitage

Leanne was able to use her own experiences to encourage pupils ‘to pursue their dreams, love and embrace their authenticity, and to keep persevering despite the various obstacles that may come their way.’ It was a lovely morning that led to many open and wonderful discussions around bursaries.