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Meet Mr Dweck

We were pleased to speak to Mr Richard Dweck, Teacher of Biology. We spoke with Mr Dweck to learn more about him and his role.    

How long have you worked at the school?  

I have worked at Mill Hill for the past five years.  

What does your role involve?  

I am currently Mill Hill School’s Digital Strategy Coordinator, overseeing the exciting transition of all pupils initially in Fourth Form and Lower Sixth using one-to-one digital devices in their lessons as their primary learning tool. I am also Key Stage 3 Science Coordinator, working closely with the Head of Science at Belmont and other feeder schools to ensure a smooth transition from Key Stage 3 to Key Stage 4 Science at Mill Hill School. Finally, the bulk of my day-to-day work is teaching Biology GCSE and A level.    

What is your favourite thing at the school?  

The vast range of opportunities pupils have to explore. From creating, directing and performing their own plays in the house drama competition to taking part in Corps of Drums for the Lord Mayor Show, to playing Rugby next to Table Mountain in South Africa and having the opportunity to explore the vast range of biodiversity in the Azores on a biology trip. Everyone is able to find their niche and thrive.   

Do you have any advice for our pupils which could help them to get the most out of their time at the school?  

Take advantage of everything that is on offer. Try your best at everything you do. There is no learning without mistakes, so don’t be scared to make them.  

What is your favourite book and film for our pupils and why?  

My favourite movie for pupils to watch would be Big, starring Tom Hanks. A brilliant film from the 80s with an iconic piano scene, it also highlights the importance of enjoying being young. Try not to wish you are older than you are.   

Could you share an inspirational quote with us? How does it inspire you?  

This quote is from Martin Luther King Jr: “If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” Showing resilience, I believe, is the key to success and happiness in life. It is important not to be afraid of failure or things not going to plan. The key is to learn from your mistakes, learn from your experiences of difficult times, and be better people as a consequence.  

Can you tell us something that we might not know about you?  

I have scuba-dived with reef, hammerhead and tiger sharks.