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McClure Memorial Trust

The McClure Memorial Trust

Sir John McClure, often referred to as “The Maker of Mill Hill School”, was Headmaster at Mill Hill for 31 years (1891-1922). Sir John had a substantial impact on generations of alumni and their families. This can be seen in journalist Kingsley Martin’s (OM) autobiography, Father Figures, where he recalled Sir John as “warm, fatherly and vast”.

The McClure Scholarship and Trust

Following Sir John’s death, the Old Millhillians Club organised an appeal in his memory. They raised over £4,000, which they used to create a scholarship in Sir John’s name, as well as funding an annuity to John’s wife, Lady Mary McClure. Following Lady McClure’s death in 1954, the residual funds were used to establish the McClure Memorial Trust, to continue funding and managing the McClure Memorial Scholarship.

Alumni and the OMC continue to contribute generously every year to the Trust. The recent McClure Memorial Trust Concert raised over £13,000, ensuring that Sir John’s legacy continues to live on at Mill Hill.

Although the McClure Memorial Trust pre-dates the Foundation’s ‘A Better Chance Bursaries’ by several decades and is separately managed, both funds provide financial contributions in support of the Foundation’s fee remission policy. Many Life Guardians and OMs are donors to both the McClure Trust and the Appeal.

Looking ahead

Currently, the McClure Memorial Trust provides a 50% award which is made every other year to a pupil joining the Sixth Form. Our goal is to, ultimately, fund a 100% transformational scholarship for a new Sixth Former every year.

Support the McClure Memorial Trust and pass on the gift of a Mill Hill education.