Mill Hill Senior Private School

Careers education is essential to a child’s journey at Mill Hill.

Central to our careers programme is our belief in equipping each pupil with the skills, knowledge and characteristics to excel in their chosen path on leaving the School. The world of work demands a variety of skills and competencies and our curriculum is specifically designed to accentuate character education alongside the development of academic knowledge and skills. Whether a child seeks access to the very best universities at home or abroad, the most exciting degree or city apprenticeships, or the most stimulating careers, we are committed to helping them realise their ambitions.

Careers Education takes many forms and pupils are introduced to different experiences at key points in their experience. Every pupil is registered on the careers platform, Unifrog, that provides a wealth of careers advice, information and guidance, and provides a repository for recording and sharing these experiences. This site is fundamental for when pupils decide on their first steps upon leaving the School.

Our Careers Programme

We are delighted to provide our pupils with:

We are delighted to provide our pupils with:
Bespoke careers lessons within the curriculum in all year groups, delivered by our experienced PSHE teachers.
A subject-specific, knowledge-rich curriculum that introduces pupils to a range of careers made possible by the study of the various curriculum areas.
Access to impartial careers advice at appropriate points in a pupil’s learning journey.
The opportunity to attend careers events both in and outside school to experience a range of different professions.
The facility to undertake work shadowing opportunities.
Access to employers to find out more about the world of work and particular career areas and job sectors.
Extensive support and guidance for making applications for higher education at universities in the UK and across the world.

Throughout their school career pupils have access to intensive programmes of support to help them make informed choices about which subjects to study as they progress through the School. This begins in the Fourth Form, when pupils decide on their GCSE choices and continues through the Fifth Form, as pupils consider the appropriate suite of qualifications to study at post-16.

For pupils seeking to access the very best courses at universities both in the United Kingdom and abroad, we provide a specialist team of higher education advisers. We have a strong track record of preparing our pupils for the most competitive and specialist courses, and our support for pupils seeking to study abroad, led by a specialist adviser, begins as soon as they join in the Fourth Form, with access to talks and guidance.

Our entire careers programme is underpinned by our outstanding and highly active Old Millhillians’ Alumni network, which offers an extensive range of careers talks, events, interviews and guidance specifically suited to each individual pupil.

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© Mill Hill Senior Private School 2025
Registered in England: Number 3404450. Registered Charity Number: 1064758. Registered office: The Ridgeway, Mill Hill Village, London, NW7 1QS