Sixth Form
The Sixth Form at Mill Hill is the ‘jewel in the crown’ of the whole Foundation, offering pupils an excellent bridge from school into competitive universities and the world of work. Results matter, and smaller classes and expert teaching ensure that every pupil achieves their best possible grades with us. But the journey is as important as the destination, and academic study is bolstered by a rich programme of careers, student leadership, and co-curricular provision. It is this aspect of life in the Sixth Form – our belief that skills and character development is as important as academics – that ensures Millhillians go on to great success in their professional lives.
The majority of the Sixth Form are pupils who have come up through the School, in some cases all the way from Year 1 through to Year 13. We also welcome a number of external pupils, either through the boarding or day houses, which injects new talent and diversity into student body.
Our Sixth Formers are the leaders of our school community, with many taking on formal leadership roles in the House or through Pupil Council and School Staff. Scholarship provision also steps up a gear in Sixth Form, with Scholars in relevant subjects leading academic societies and subject magazines or competitions, bringing on the lower years.
We are proud of our wonderful Sixth Form, and the results and destinations our pupils achieve. We are also proud of the rich array of productions, concerts, events and competitions they lead, and their extensive sporting achievements. We are, however, most proud of how happy our Sixth Form pupils are, and the positive energy and leadership they bring to the school community.