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This week in Nursery…

Well it has been a very wet but wonderful week.

We have been lucky enough to use our outdoor play ground despite the weather and the children have been observing the effects the rain has had on the equipment and resources in the playground.

The children also took part in a musical workshop ran by Musical dots. The children had a wonderful time singing along to all the new songs especially the sharing song.

On Monday we were developing our listening skills by listening to animal sounds and guessing the animal. We then followed this on by playing a listening game in small groups where we had to guess the musical instrument. The children loved this game and many of them then played this together without an adult present.

On Tuesday we were thinking about our age. The children confidently told the class how old they were and then represented their age in different ways for their learning journal.

On Wednesday we were looking at the differences and similarities of each other specifically looking at our eye colour. The teachers took photos of their eyes and the children had to guess who they thought it might be. They were fantastic at this and correctly identified each set of eyes.

On Thursday we introduced our first learning friend ‘Ursula the Unicorn’, she is awarded to the children when they have used their creativity and imagination.

Today we had fun being bakers. All the children helped mix the ingredients together to make cakes and afterwards we then wrote instructions to show how to make cakes.