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Mill Hill School Marks the Centenary of Sir John David McClure’s Passing

Today is the Centenary of Sir John David McClure’s passing. McClure was the Headmaster at Mill Hill School from 1891 to 1922. He is remembered as an honourable, determined man whose dedication to our school helped to form the foundation for its success. 

Of all the influential figures from our renowned past, it is arguably Sir John McClure whose presence can be felt most keenly today. Through the buildings he was responsible for adding, the educational ethos he created and many other advancements, his legacy is deeply ingrained in Mill Hill School’s identity. 

Mrs Sanchez writes: “There was an omnipresence to McClure, which is noted in a pupil’s recollection, ‘he and Mill Hill are one’, and in many ways, his presence continues to resonate today.” 

A special centenary celebration will be held at Mill Hill School on 25 June 2022. Register your interest online now at: https://millhill.co/3JDRHUU

Click here to find out more about Sir John David McClure’s life: https://millhill.co/3H3vqzo