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Meet Ms Bull

Meet Ms Bull, School House Housemistress and Teacher of Geography, Mill Hill School. We were fortunate enough to have the opportunity to speak with Ms Bull to find out more about her and her role. It was great to see how enthusiastic she is about the school and her House. 

How long have you worked at Mill Hill School?

I have had the pleasure of working at Mill Hill School for eight and a half years

What does your role involve?

As the Housemistress for School House, I am responsible for both the pastoral and academic progress of all of the pupils in my House. I am committed to ensuring that our pupils feel happy at school and thrive academically. I am also a Geography teacher. This involves teaching the Geography curriculum to pupils at Mill Hill School. 

What is your favourite thing at Mill Hill School?

I absolutely love the sporting side of the school. I umpire the 1st XI Girls’ Hockey matches. I am always astounded by their commitment and determination to play the best hockey possible. I have also been involved in the Combined Cadet Force (CCF), in the Navy Section. I am proud to say that the CCF teaches leadership, communication and resilience in abundance! I feel very fortunate to be involved with this invaluable part of our school.

Do you have any advice for our pupils which could help them to get the most out of their time at Mill Hill School?

I would advise our pupils to see Mill Hill School as a fresh start when you arrive, be it in the Fourth Form, Sixth Form or whenever you join. It is important to be the best version of yourself and avoid trying to imitate others. There is only one of you and that is what makes us all special! 

What is your favourite book and film for our pupils and why?

My favourite book is an old book called ‘The Story of Heather’ by May Wynne. I read it as a young girl and it was the first time I cried whilst reading a book. I still have my copy, which was originally given to my mother by her mother.

 Film-wise, again another older film ‘Dead Poets Society’. I remember watching this as part of my GCSE English class, and again I began crying, but this time in front of my whole class! Perhaps my future career aspirations were borne out of this film?

Could you share an inspirational quote with us? How does it inspire you?

“You can do anything, but you can’t do everything”. In today’s fast-paced world there are so many things we could be doing. This quote is a good reminder to spend time finding out what inspires and motivates us. 

Can you tell us something that we might not know about you?

I have completed many long-distance walks, including climbing Mt Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, Pic Boby in Madagascar and Roraima in Venezuela. I have also completed the Devizes to Westminster Canoe Marathon!

Do you have a helpful tip for our pupils to manage exam stress?

Pupils in School House will know that I am always talking about the importance of a good night’s sleep. Getting into a good sleeping pattern in the lead-up to your exams and sticking to it will make a huge difference. You will feel more refreshed and relaxed and able to recover quicker between your exams.