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Mental Health First Aid Youth Courses at Mill Hill School Foundation

At The Mill Hill School Foundation, we are committed to supporting the mental health of our pupils. Mrs Dickin (Head of PSHE, Mill Hill Senior School) has run outstanding mental health courses throughout the year. 

“As Head of PSHE, I have been honoured to run a series of Mental Health First Aid Youth courses (MHFA) across the Foundation this year. These have been great opportunities for staff at Belmont Preparatory School, Mill Hill Senior School and Cobham Hall to develop their understanding, knowledge and support strategies for our young people. 

Each member of staff who completes the course will wear a Young Minds badge as a sign to our pupils that they are happy to have conversations around mental health. During the upcoming academic year, I look forward to running many more courses for parents, Sixth Form pupils and staff across all the Foundation’s Schools to further build a community of MHFA trained adults.” (Mrs Dickin)  

Thank you to Mrs Dickin for her hard work. The courses she has organised will help our staff to support the mental health of our pupils in the best way possible.