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This week in Year 2…

Year 2 have had a fantastic week getting to learn all about Bob’s life being Man on the Moon. We wrote a diary extract about his day at work and then decided we needed to find facts for him to teach the tourists on the moon. The highlight was investigating materials for a new spacesuit for Bob. We explored and identified materials by evaluating their suitability using various criteria – were they strong enough, waterproof and tearproof. The children gave their 10/10 best effort to work scientifically whilst helping Bob.

Our first completed Task Time unit focused on some fun activities in space and beyond;

Maths: ‘Story Shapes’ greater depth challenge. The children had a close look at some pictures made up of shapes which reminded them of Goldilocks and the three bears. Using awe and wonder, they began discussion on how the pictures were made of the same shapes, but they had been moved and rotated. Using this key language, the children made Tangram of one of the features of the Goldilocks story.

DT: The children used 2D & 3D shapes to design and make their own rockets. The children revised their knowledge of 2D & 3D shapes and made a list of the shapes they used. There were some wonderful rocket creations which can be found on Seesaw.

Alien symmetry: The children accurately folded their card in half, drew one half of their own alien’s body and used the fold/line of symmetry to make them symmetrical. The children were pushed into their stretch zone by adding the same detail on both sides of the aliens’ body.

Friendship soup: We talked about what makes a good friend. Then we added friendship ingredients to a mixing bowl and pretended we were making a ‘good friend’. The children decided how they wanted to present their learning.

Rocket launchers: The children designed and created a rocket that could be launched into the air using a variety of resources. They thought hard about what resources to use and what would make their rocket launch high into the air. As a challenge they were asked to adapt their rocket so that it flew higher.

Music: The children imagined they were in their music tepee (feel, imagine, hear) and listened to the theme tune from ‘Space Odyssey’. They then discussed how the music made them feel and created their own dances, using slow motion to symbolise gravity.