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This week in Year 2…

Year 2 had an exciting start to the week. We kindly asked our parents to donate items of ‘junk’ for our Design and Technology rocket building project this week. On Monday, the children arrive at school laden down with enough junk to build a hundred rocket ships! The Year 2 team would like to express our enormous gratitude for your donations! The children were incredibly excited to get started on their project which began with first decided which junk materials they wanted to use. Next, they drew, labelled and coloured their design before deciding how they will make the rocket.

They had access to a wide range of materials to construct and decorate their rocket. This was the part of the project the children were most looking forward to and it certainly was the most exciting session. Finally, the children had to evaluate their design and suggest what they might change if they had to make the rocket again. Congratulations to our rocket designers for building fantastic rockets!

In Maths this week, we learnt about money. First, we revised our knowledge of coins, how to make certain amounts using the least number of coins and counting coins. Next, we learnt about solving calculations involving subtraction of money and then worked on solving simple problems in a practical context involving addition and subtraction of money.

In Forest School over the last two weeks, the children were charged with making stick aliens. They revised the use of peelers and I gave them all a tool talk covering the rules of use. They chose how to assemble their stick alien and how to decorate it. A small group of children took this further to make their own small dens/houses for their stick aliens while other children made more than one stick alien. All children embraced this task with a passionate enthusiasm. We finished the session with mindful moments and gratitude for our session.

In our Paws b mindfulness sessions, we completed the final part of our session on ‘Noticing the wobble’. The children are becoming more fluent in discussing their feelings and more observant in noticing when they are wobbling. I introduced the insula which is the part of the brain that works with the prefrontal cortex to help us notice how wobbly we are. We revised the finger breathing exercise we learnt last week and some of the children embraced the challenge to direct the rest of the class in the practice. It was wonderful to hear them confidently teach their peers. Well done Year 2!